What are the GO-TO(s)?

Your GO-TO(S) or GT are endpoints of your habits. To change them even slightly is to change your life DRASTICALLY. Fixing mental, hormonal & behavioural loops reponsible for you feeling STUCK in your own cage.

*Your Fast and Easy Way to Improve your health and physical appearance

Our destinies are shaped by our habits. Interestingly, we don't need to change them drastically to see results, instead, it's about redirecting their final destination. For example, the routine of washing our faces in the morning remains unchanged, but the choice of grooming products can be modified to get the glowiest skin in a 10 mile radius.
The same can be said for our go to outfits, haistyle and snack! It's remarkable how such small adjustments can completely alter the course of our lives. However, there's a caveat: the grip of dopamine, which can complicate our efforts to change habits. It's a balance. that can be achieved!

This is for you IF:

  • If you've tried to lose weight in the past. . . and failed
  • If you just can't seem to control your spending habits
  • If you can't stay on your skincare / self-care plan
  • If you generally can't stick to your plans for long

The purple book: Habitual Charm

  • Daily 30 minute group lessons, 6 days a week for 6 weeks
  • Digital planner (PDF) + built-in guides
  • Identify your current go-to(s) & their impact.
  • Use the CARDS - GT(Convert, Alter, Reduce, Delay, Scrap) method
  • implement 5-15 minute habits that will change your appearance in a few weeks.
Simply Follow This Plan And You Will Succeed SCIENTIFICALLY BACKED APPROACH

How it works

The program is a set of 6 weeks of dopamine & hormonal re-engineering to replace the autopilot behaviour you developped through the years due to both your circumstances (genetic & environmental) and your own past choices.

1 No overuse of will power

We search for the Lowest Impactful Delta (LID) with the most compounding effect potential which is the smallest change possbile that offers an above threshold progress towards our goal.

Small changes in habit can wield immense power in shaping our lives. Often overlooked, these subtle shifts have the potential to ripple into significant transformations especially when stacked/chained together.

2 control the mental obsession

Overcoming mental obsession with food takes time and knowledge Certain guidelines will be implemented to reduce mental nagging and mental loops when it comes to weight maintenance

  • Indifference Vs Guilt: Removing all emotional weight in food is necessary to healing the mental obsession with it
  • Stable metrics Vs Weight:​ Weight is one of the worst metrics to follow body recomposition and fat loss. It's related to too many variables(water, hormones...) and too volatile to use on a daily or even weekly basis.
  • Systems Vs Targets: losing fat and sticking to a routine are not the goals, the real goals are to install permanent systems that replace the wrong ones we currently have which led to weight gain and bad health to begin with.
  • ​Cravings Vs Fillers: There is a difference between eating because you CRAVE your favourite food and eating because you are bored and uninspired
  • ​Personal image Vs personal preference: Changes are not brought to what you prefer but to who you are. We can't change our preferences if we are the same person.

3 Hormonal balance & Mental health

Many chronic health issues and metabolic conditions
affect our weight, skin and hair

  • Vitamin & mineral deficiencies: Vitamin D deficiency, Magnesium deficiency, anemia and other conditions affect our hair, skin and overall energy & health
  • Thyroid:​ hypothyrodism generally makes fat loss even more challenging that it naturally is
  • Post pregnancy /PCOS / Endometriosis / Menopause: reproductive hormones have their super powers when it comes to storing fat and protecting fat reserves.
  • ​Insulin resistance: The mother of metabolic issues since it's the primary hormone for energy utlization in our bodies.
  • ​Gut health: Affects Digestion and Nutrient Absorption as well as Regulation of Appetite and Food Cravings.
  • ​Cortisol, sleep & stress: ​dysregulation of cortisol levels contribute to weight gain, particularly around the abdomen. Elevated cortisol levels can also increase appetite and cravings for high-calorie foods.

4 Habit science

New habits have rules to follow if we want them to stick

  • 5 minute Rule: All new habits will start as 5 minute changes that are easy to keep for a long time
  • Habit chain:​some habits act like triggers for other habits
  • Habit stacking: some habits are grouped togther by trigger or time.

Frequent Asked Questions (10)

Q1. What does CARDS - GT stand for?

Convert, Alter, Reduce, Delay, Scrap - Go to. It details the different kinds of modifications you can bring to the endpoint of your habits to change your life results in different areas: weight, fitness, finances, health, money, relationships, grooming / appearance....

Q2. Do I need to prepare for this?

No, the method doesn't rely on motivation or buying anything to start. There are some people in the world who possess your desired habits on autopilot because their circumstances offered them these options growing up, and you can get there too but you need to engineer your way to it first.

Q3. What does the program include?

The program has a PDF/planner + online guidance over a 40 day period that you will use to analyze your current GT (go to) and engineer new ones. Failure is expected so you will iterate through a few. The main thing is to understand that we will try to bring as little change as we can to get to those resutls. do not expect an overhall of your life's order but do expect amazing results.

Q4. When does the program start?

Marh 28th 2024 and spans April, May and June.

Q5. What happens after the 40 days period?

You can enroll in a year plan through the GLow kit v2.2.1. But I highly recommand you start small with this one. Don't worry, this will entitle you to a disount on the big planner. You can also use your knowledge to continue working by yourself on yourself, but generally speaking, 40 days is too little to have lifelong lasting changes, we recommand at least 9 months.

Q6. What medications / supplements are involved?

There is no need for these, but some people's mental toughness is hindered by Magnesium or vitamin deficiency (especially B, D). Other issues that will need to be addressed are insulin resistance for weight loss, gut health for brain fog and more. We need to work with our hormones if we want to command the ship that is our bodies. Dopamine, Cortisol and Insuline will be recurring themes.

Q7. Will there be a meal plan?

No, the changes to your GT need to be as minimal as possbile, so we will rely heavily on what you already eat and (CARDS). Important to know that variety kills consistancy and not the other way around so your go-to during the 40 day period will be limited in number.

Q8. Is this about weight loss?

No, It's about identifying and changing most habits that are dragging you own. The purple book focuses on appearance and self-presentation ( body composition, nutrition, fitness, skin, hair, fashion style, hairstyle.

Q9. Are there other guides?

Yes, a Green one for making & saving money, a Red one for relationships & social life, a White one for health, self-study & education and a tool box that focuses on life skills. The black book is all in one.

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Get The Success Series

There are go-tos in all the areas of your life working on them will change your life in each of those areas